I am NEVER going to sell a pickup product. If I ever do, please pirate it and viciously attack it.
The goal I have to take apart the pickup community would be messianic if other people didn't want to help me. There are plenty of people who have told me that they like what I am doing, so I will continue to do it as a hobby.
Understand that if the pickup community were to go away, you might think your source of entertainment would too.
None of you on this board want to spend your entire lives bashing pickup gurus (even though it kills them on the inside to look at your photoshops).
So, next week I am starting a vbulletin forum at
. It will consist of:
[LIST=1][*]A repository of vicious photoshops of gurus from you all (credited, of course).[*]A repository of photos of pickup community products shattered, exploded, etc.[*]
You can go to the site and get on the email list if you want to know the day it launches.
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Ummmmm. How are you gonna have a discussion about having sex with women without "analyzing" or using half the shit you said above. Is, "dude just approach her and be confident," considered a tactic? You're more maddening than these dudes whose lives revolve around pickup. You just sound like a faggot with a chip on his shoulder cuz you started wearing a light shirt and fuzzy hat and all your friends shunned and called you a bitch. Jesus christ I'm beginning to realize why I've never identified with any of you people, deeply entrenched in, or vehemently against the community, you're all fuckin retards. Get a life, you faggot. No one cares about your retard crusade.
this forum is about despising the pickup gurus. the endpua forum is about taking them apart in addition to despising them.
everyone on this board knows that the pickup gurus are scammers and con artists. but hating them and attacking them verbally is not enough. I advocate taking action to tear down their business model.
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Email me when it's time to take down Hypnotica and his fanboys. Actually, fuck it, I don't need anyone's help. I single-handedly destroyed Hypnotica and his flatterers, and I took down the old forum in the process. There were few survivors.
When someone does good work, I try to compensate them if I get something out of what they have produced. The Blueprint is good for what it is, but it makes men think that it has answers to their problems with women. There are no answers and I despise the underlying assumptions of the Blueprint, which is why I destroyed it.
I generally avoided pirating pickup products and I bought almost all of the ones I consumed (I did pirate plenty though). When you buy a product, you are much more likely to get something out of it.
This is not black and white: you will get something out of pickup products, but they will fuck you up if you see them as answers, strategies, techniques, or methods.
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How much money have you spent on PUA products and services?
Not that it has anything to do with your post, but have your read the Selfish Gene?
Urban, I'm saying your whole beginning premise is retarded. You and whoever else blames the "gurus" for their shoddy teachings are missing the point. Why would you blindly believe and follow ANYONE without them providing (or you, I don't know, perhaps doing a little research and finding for yourself) sufficient supporting evidence that what they're saying is legit?
It's just so victim mentality. You're blaming the "gurus" and the "community" but it's just a mask for your real anger at your own retardedness and inability to think critically. But hey, what do I know?
All I can say is I hope this experience caused you and whoever else to look at things a little deeper next time you run into something like this.
Bropocalypse, isn't it easy for you to attack me? After all, no one knows a thing about you on this forum.
Ha ha ha ha.
Where is the "victim mindset"? EndPUA provides explanations as to how to shift your thinking, not blame gurus for your problems.
The real question you have to ask is why you want to attack me.
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What's the difference between "taking them apart" and "despising" them......?
Ha. I'm indigenous from the bkrs boards. I'm not attacking you, just think you're a bit misguided. And I'm in no way pro-"community" as much as I'm in no way anti-"community", haha, I guess you could say I'm anti-faggotry/pro-critical thought. Both of which I see a lot of around here in the midst of the good stuff. So when I see retardedness on either side I call people on it. Just like when I posted on rsdnation, a cave of pure faggotry. It irritated me just as much to read those faggots blindly follow that shit as it does for me to see you blindly hating it. Just sayin. Things are not so binary, black and white, this or that. Maybe it's the academic in me, who knows. Good day, sir. Carry on as you were.
theurbanunderground, your forum would be boring as fuck. Just give up. What is your cause? To put gurus out of business? Ain't gonna happen. There's always a market for this shit and there's a sucker's born every second.
You'll notice that around 10-20% of the posts here are sensible and intelligent, but if every post was like this it would be too serious and boring.
What's your story anyway? Give us a bit of background. Which PUA business or instructor burned you? What happened?
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If your phone number is out on the internet, he'll find you and talk for a half hour straight telling you about it.... Very fun